The Project

DOTZ is more than a brand, it's a concept driven by constant reinvention.

we believe in diversity, empathy and plurality. We believe in different ways of seeing the world. We strive to embody positive (sometimes even contradictory) concepts that are infrequently found together, and even more seldomly found in a pair of shoes.Our overarching goal is to provide you with product that are comfortable, stylish and suitable to basically every setting, made in a way you can feel good about.

That’s why the hands that bind our soles, the minds behind our designs are all collaborators towards a common goal — creating a superior product. A product whose superiority is defined not only by its quality; but by the disruptive, deliberate production method that brings it to you. No effort is spared in ensuring our products are made in the most sustainable, ethical way possible. from sourcing materials, to putting them together, to making them unique, safeguarding the ideals behind the DOTZ concept is a challenge we face head-on.


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We work on a daily basis to make our product fully sustainable, but we still have a long way to go. though we’ve searched far and wide, it is not always possible to find components that align with our vision. Regardless, we’re continuously pushing the supply chain towards innovative, sustainable solutions.

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